Thursday, April 23, 2009

If you haven't already heard...

I was lazing around after my mushrooms prelim today, reading the Sun while stuffing my face with my staple Trillium beef noodles - then, to my surprise, I came across a startling article on the front page which thrust one of our Christian fellowships on campus unto the center stage.

Not only was the fellowship slandered for discrimination against homosexuality (they didn't let one of their currently openly gay members stay in the leadership), but I think it's irrevocable that all Christian fellowships would be caught up in this uproar in the next few days (or weeks) or so, as a very serious conflict within the Christian community here in Cornell has unfortunately erupted.

In fact, calls have been made by the university to re-look the discriminatory policy of the independent student organisation.

“We are very concerned with what happened and we want to make sure this is a campus that does not discriminate in this way,” Dean of Students Kent Hubbell ’67 said."
“It is unfortunate that both a registered student organization and an SAFC-funded organization has mistreated its members and leaders in such an egregious manner. A resolution regarding the group’s current funding and funding eligibility in the future will be discussed at [Thursday’s] Student Assembly meeting,” Ryan Lavin ’09, S.A. president, said yesterday.

“I think that a lot of times Christian organizations do get a bad name for taking a stance against homosexuality because it looks like we are condemning a person but I want to make it clear that we have nothing against Chris or another person for choosing to be a homosexual,” D’Ambrosio said.
Christian beliefs are at odds with the world and I think that this is a very explicit and unfortunate example that has emerged. I think that none of us here would think what that fellowship is doing is wrong, but I can definitely understand why non-Christians who have yet to know the Gospel would feel outraged at this seeming prejudice and unfair treatment. It is hard to reconcile the world with our beliefs and I can foresee this event maligning the Christian community as being one that is harsh, severe and prudish. It irrefutably would cause a divisive effect between us and the rest of the campus community who have pledged their allegiance to the LGBT community. In essence, I think it is only right that we pray fervently for this situation to reach its cessation peacefully, while maintaining the Unity of the Christian community and for God's glory to be shown throughout the process.

P.S. This situation's prevalence has spread beyond the daily readership of the Sun. Upon logging unto my email, I found that I received a barrage of emails from various listserves forwarding a very persuasive email from the homosexual Christian [I dislike using that term, it makes him seem like an object. Let me clarify I'm only using it for his anonymity and so that this blog would not surface on searches for his name.] who argued that:
"This is more than a slap in the face to one individual, this is a slap in
the face to the entire LGBT community--especially those of faith. [The fellowship]
is basically saying that my sexuality--along with the sexualities of every
other LGBT community member--is not legitimate in the eyes of God."
The emails called for their members to join this homosexual Christian in a candlelight demonstration tomorrow (4/24). It is sad and disturbing that a Christian would want to cause such an uproar and make the conflicts within the community such a secular one, instead of settling it within the community. It is understandable that he is seeking righteousness and a possible reinstatement of his position into the leadership (perhaps, that's what I'm guessing) - but let's pray for God to reveal to him the long-term repercussions of his actions on the community and also that securing a leadership position in a Christian fellowship does not mean you secure yourself a place in His Kingdom.

(Gosh, what a controversial first post for me for this blog! heh :\)

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